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PocketBible® Software for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

PocketBible for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch gives you everything you need for Bible study or casual reading. The same program runs on either iPhone or iPad, adjusting the user interface to give you convenient access to all its features regardless of the size of the screen.

PocketBible is available free on the App Store and includes 40 classic Bibles and reference titles to get you started studying the Bible on your iPhone or iPad!

Step up to the Advanced Feature Set here or from within PocketBible to add even more features!

Running PocketBible on more than one platform? Save by subscribing to the Advanced Feature Set for All Platforms — only available here on our website!

PocketBible Bookstore for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

PocketBible for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch is required to view books on your iPhone.

Select a product category to see books for your device:

What Our Customers Are Saying...

“I am so glad I started buying PocketBible many years ago when I decided I could not afford ***** software. I have never regretted the decision.” — Eugene S

“For many years, I used PocketBible on a Windows Mobile device and was always impressed by your quality of service. My Windows Mobile device was eventually replaced by an iPhone. Not only do I stand amazed that the PocketBible app is free but my original purchase of NIV is still valid! I can't think of any other company that would do that.” — Christopher H

“Thank you for making a near perfect app. The PocketBible for ipad is fantastic and I share my praise with everyone i think is interested in this type of program. ” — John B

“I can honestly say that the Windows 8 app is probably your best work yet! A streamlined, easy to navigate interface, easy to read, highlights, annotations, sync…perfect! I was happy to upgrade to the premium version, and would recommend it to anyone.” — mark p

“I have tried many Bible apps on my iPad and, in my opinion, nothing comes close to PocketBible for IOS. It is tightly integrated and once you understand the features of the app, it is amazing how powerful a tool it is. I use it every day.” — Thomas C

“My two favorite Bible programs are PocketBible and Logos Bible Software. However, I must admit that your product is used the most!” — Stephen C

“I use PocketBible weekly for my Bible study. I enjoy being able to read a number of translations of a given text, which adds to my understanding.” — William T

“The best app in the App Store! PocketBible makes reading and searching the Bible easy, and access to reference material convenient.” — Dennis P

“I started using PocketBible in the 1990s. Your policy of "buy once" is unlike anything else from other publishers. THANK YOU!” — Manly R. A

“Laridian has an amazing variety of the most important texts in the Christian world, at affordable prices that enable me to return regularly.” — David H

“Thank you for such good products and the wide range of older and newer titles!” — Robert F

“Your Bible app is first rate - my go-to Bible and study tool. I use it every day.” — Tom M

“In 468 days I have found Pocket Bible to be a very well developed Bible study app. It has a well rounded library of titles and categories related to bible study. It keeps track of where I am in every volume and its best features are the split windows and the very fast moving from one location to another. ” — Dennis S

“I have been using another well known electronic bible on my MacBook...I did not know your product was what I was waiting for. The other product has now left the building and Pocket Bible has a permanent presence on my tool bar. Your Pocket Bible is the best and by far the most eloquent. AND the price is right--FREE!” — David S

“Words can't express how much your products have meant to my spiritual growth! It is now my pleasure to purchase products that have been especially helpful to me for a young college graduate who is at a special "on fire" place in his life. Thank you!” — Ky A

The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian and PocketBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, MyBible, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian, PocketBible, and MyBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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  1. Make sure you download and install the PocketBible app that is required to read the Bibles or books you bought
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