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Click to find PocketBible Bible Study App on the App Store.

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  • Easily navigate to a specific book, chapter, and verse.
  • Select books to download, delete, open, close, or view from the Library manager.
  • Keep track of your progress through daily devotional reading and through-the-Bible reading plans.
  • Study from interlinear Bibles (sold separately).

PocketBible 4 for iPhone and iPad



PocketBible promotes a deeper understanding of the Word of God through the comparing of Scripture with Scripture, giving you easy access to a growing library of reference material, and helping you gain insight from the original languages of the Bible even if you're not a Greek or Hebrew expert. And PocketBible makes it easy for your Bible study to follow you from mobile device to desktop and from one mobile device to another. In short, PocketBible enhances your walk with God by putting resources and features at your disposal to improve your understanding of Scripture, empower your teaching and ministry, and keep you in the Word every day.

PocketBible couldn't be simpler to use! Go anywhere in the Bible by selecting book, chapter, and verse. Split the screen to view Bibles and commentaries side-by-side. Select the "Today" button to read today's devotional or Bible reading plan.

When you install PocketBible, you'll have instant access to the King James Version of the Bible. Upon registration, you'll get access to over 40 other free Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, devotionals, and more. And while most other Bible apps stop with free, 150-year-old, "classic" reference titles, there are hundreds of additional Bibles and contemporary reference books available for PocketBible.

We've all experienced the disappointment of "online" Bible apps that become unusable when cellular signal strength is low or WiFi is not available. With PocketBible, your Bibles and reference books reside on your device, so no Internet connection is required once they've been downloaded.

Are you already a PocketBible user on another platform? PocketBible for iOS can access any of your previously purchased books and Bibles. And if you have notes, highlights, or bookmarks you've created on another platform, they'll sync seamlessly to PocketBible on your iOS device!


  • Easy book, chapter, and verse selection. Show books of the Bible in alphabetical order if that makes them easier for you to find. Abbreviate the book names so you can see more of them to choose from, or show the full book name if you're not familiar with the abbreviations.
  • Split the screen to open multiple Bibles and/or reference books side-by-side.
  • Quickly find any word or phrase in your entire library.
  • Choose from several through-the-Bible reading plans and daily devotionals. Track your progress as you read each day.
  • Annotate your Bible with highlights, notes and bookmarks; sync to the Laridian Cloud for sharing with PocketBible on all your other devices.
  • Study the Bible anywhere. No Internet access required after download.
  • Supports "interlinear" and parsed Greek Bibles (sold separately)
  • Supports multitasking (split view) on iPad - open another app beside PocketBible.
  • Copy and paste verses to clipboard and to other apps.
  • Choose from a variety of color schemes, fonts, text sizes, and margin settings to create a custom reading experience.
  • Extensive built-in help. (Unusual for an app of any kind these days.)

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This free version of PocketBible provides all the features you need to read and study the Bible on the go. But for serious study on your iPhone or iPad, consider a subscription to the Advanced Feature Set. Features include a full-screen reading mode for uncluttered reading of the text; our unique Autostudy feature to bring together everything in your library to support the study of a passage or word; tabbed panes to maximize screen space for each book; and synthesized audio to read the Bible to you even when your phone is turned off — or follow along on the screen with autoscroll.

Running PocketBible on more than one platform? Consider a subscription to the Advanced Feature Set for All Platforms to save at least 20% off the already affordable price.

System Requirements

Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS.

The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian and PocketBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, MyBible, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian, PocketBible, and MyBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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You can get the fastest help by helping yourself.

  1. Make sure you download and install the PocketBible app that is required to read the Bibles or books you bought
  2. Read the confirmation email we send you when you make a purchase
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