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PocketBible® Software for macOS

PocketBible for macOS is a full-featured Bible study solution designed for your Mac.

PocketBible is available free right here on our website. The free download includes the King James Version Bible. Once you register, you'll get access to over 40 Bibles and reference titles to get you started studying the Bible on your Mac!

Step up to the Advanced Feature Set from within PocketBible to add even more features!

Running PocketBible on more than one platform? Save by subscribing to the Advanced Feature Set for All Platforms.

PocketBible Bookstore for Mac OS

PocketBible for macOS is required to view books on your Mac.

Select a product category to see books for your device:

Laridian is the only Bible software publisher that makes the same book-creation tools available to the public that we use in-house to create books for PocketBible! Create books for your own use, or publish and sell your books on your own website with no royalties or additional fees paid to Laridian.

What Our Customers Are Saying...

“I find myself reading the bible everyday now because it is so convenient having it on my phone. Also having access to the various devotionals means I am spending more time with God and loving it. Thank you for this service.” — Ian S

“I have used PocketBible for many years now & it is simply fantastic. I take my PocketBible everywhere enabling me to access the Bible for private use, preparing sermons, in church meetings & so on.” — DAVID S

“PocketBible is a program I couldn't function without, I've come to rely on it so much. It's the best Bible app by far.” — Ken P

“Used PocketBible for years, probably 10 years - really really well set out and so very helpful for my Bible Study.” — Brian C

“Words can't express how much your products have meant to my spiritual growth! It is now my pleasure to purchase products that have been especially helpful to me for a young college graduate who is at a special "on fire" place in his life. Thank you!” — Ky A

“I've been doing electronic Bible study for over 15 years and absolutely think and know PocketBible is the premier app to own and use.” — Blake M

“...thank you for making PocketBible so easy to re-install. I somehow managed to delete the PocketBible icon from my iPhone. When I re-downloaded PocketBible, I was easily able to log back in to my Laridian account with my original user ID and password and effortlessly download all 36 of my past purchases...In less than 10 minutes, my iPhone was back to running PocketBible!” — George W

“I have looked at other apps for both daily reading and Bible in general and PocketBible is still the best! ” — Tom B

“I started with PocketBible on my desktop. Then, when I got a laptop I put it on it, and then on my next laptop and on my current laptop. When I got an iphone, I put it on it. Now I have a Surface RT and have it on it...Thank you so much for such an outstanding and useful product.” — Dan E

“Amazing literature at staggering low prices.” — David E

“You're my "go-to" E-Bible, even though I have others. And your prices are great too!” — Doug S

“Brilliant brilliant brilliant! Well done on the Android version of bible. As a long time customer I appreciate it and already enjoy it far more than the popular online Bible app on the Android platform. I will be recommending this tool my friends.” — James W

“I often chose which phone to buy based on whether or not it could run PocketBible.” — Scott H

“Your products are way more affordable than the leading competitors. I just want to delve more into the scriptures, and your company allows me to do so.” — Ian W

“Thanks so much for creating an app for this platform. For me, this is the app of the year on Windows Phone--my single most desired app on Windows Phone this year.” — Michael W

The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian and PocketBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, MyBible, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian, PocketBible, and MyBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Best Ways to Get Help

You can get the fastest help by helping yourself.

  1. Make sure you download and install the PocketBible app that is required to read the Bibles or books you bought
  2. Read the confirmation email we send you when you make a purchase
  3. Read the help that's built into each of our products
  4. Look through our Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Submit a Support Ticket
  6. Email us at

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