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Spurgeon's Daily Treasury from the Psalms

Spurgeon's Daily Treasury from the Psalms
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The Psalms express the full range of human emotions and needs like no other Bible book. From the discouragement and fear we encounter in this life to the longing and adoration of God, we so easily connect with these prayers and praises. It is easy to understand why the Psalms are the most read—and often most treasured—part of the Old Testament.
Charles Spurgeon spent 20 years pondering the spiritual breadth and depth of the Psalms and compiling a seven-volume exposition, The Treasury of David. Spurgeon's Daily Treasury from the Psalms is a year's worth of daily readings carefully excerpted by Robert Blackhouse (Editor) from the great preacher's magnum opus. This devotional breaks the 150 Psalms into 366 daily readings for you. Besides Spurgeon's words of wisdom, each devotional has a highlighted thought and suggested verses to meditate on. The spiritual life of any believer will be enriched by these reflective writings from one of Christianity's beloved preachers.
Sample Text
Like A Tree Planted
"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" Ps. 1:3
VERSE Psalms 1:1: "Blessed is the man." See how this Book of Psalms opens with a benediction, as did the famous Sermon of our Lord on the Mount! We might read it, "Oh, the blessedness!" and we may well regard this as a joyful acclamation of the gracious person's felicity. May the like blessedness rest on us!
VERSE Psalms 1:2: "But his delight is in the law of the Lord." He is not under the law as a curse and condemnation, but he is in it, and he delights to be in it as the rule of life. He delights, moreover, to "meditate" in it, to read it by "day" and to think upon it by "night."
VERSE Psalms 1:3: "And he shall be like a tree planted." Not a wild tree, but one "planted," chosen, considered as cultivated and secured from the last terrible uprooting (see Matthew 15:13). "By the rivers of water." Even if one river should fail, he has another. The rivers of pardon and the rivers of grace, the rivers of promise and the rivers of communion with Christ are never-failing sources of supply. "That bringeth forth his fruit in his season." Not unseasonable graces, like untimely figs, which are never full-flavored. Rather the person who delights in God's Word, being taught by it, brings forth patience in the time of suffering, faith in the day of trial, and holy joy in the hour of prosperity. Fruitfulness is an essential quality of a gracious person, and that fruitfulness should be seasonable. "His leaf also shall not wither." His faintest word will be everlasting; his little deeds of love will be remembered. Not only will his fruit be preserved, but "his leaf" also. He will neither lose his beauty nor his fruitfulness. "And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." Blessed is the man who has such a promise.
Verses to meditate upon today: Psalm 1:1-6
A THOUGHT TO PONDER: Fruitfulness is an essential quality of a gracious person.
Selected text from Spurgeon's Daily Treasury from the Psalms. Copyright (c) 2002 by Good News Publishers / Crossway Books. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.
About the Author(s)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was England's best-known preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1854, just a few years after his conversion, Spurgeon, only twenty years old, became pastor of London's largest Baptist congregation, the New Park Street Church. He frequently preached to congregations of 10,000 or more. In 1861 the congregation moved permanently to the newly constructed Metropolitan Tabernacle. Spurgeon wrote hundreds of books, many of which are still in print today. But perhaps his greatest and best known work was The Treasury of David, an unequalled devotional commentary on the Psalms.
Robert Blackhouse (Editor), an ordained Anglican minister, has traveled the world to promote the advancement of Christian literature. For the last fifteen years he has been editing, compiling, and writing books on the Bible and Christian classics for children, students, and ministers.
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