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Founders' Bible Articles

Founders' NASB Bible

Founders' Bible


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Before the remarkable words of America's founding documents were ever penned, they were first preached from the pulpits of New England. This is the remarkable story of our deep spiritual heritage and the largely unknown historical foundations that produced a nation that once held the admiration of the entire world. It's also a roadmap we can follow so as to once again become that "shining city on a hill," a beacon of hope to the world.

In The Founders' Bible, signature historian David Barton shares the true story of how God used the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and generals to unite the colonies and lead them through the long, hard Revolutionary War. These men believed resistance to tyranny was a Christian duty because they were defending God-given rights. Such men as George Washington, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Rush, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin established the firm foundations of the soon-to-be country; they made sure it was steadfastly planted in the Word of God.

The Founders' Bible is presented as two books in PocketBible: First, a special edition of the New American Standard Bible is augmented with thorough introductions to each book of the Bible, biblical maps, and summaries of the articles that appear in the second book, The Book of Founders' Bible Articles. Summaries are placed at appropriate points in scripture with links to the full articles.

The Book of Founders' Bible Articles contains articles that make the case for the Christian beliefs of the Founders and the Christian foundation on which America was built. Biographies, topical entries, and accounts of historical events bring our unique history to life. As a special bonus, each article contains a link to the fully illustrated version of the article from the print edition of the book.

The scholarship behind The Founders' Bible is impressive to say the least. We're not trafficking in mere opinions, but dealing with original source documents and material from the Founders themselves (i.e. personal letters, private works, and first edition volumes, etc.). Articles are extensively annotated, with sources purposefully cited so that you might not only confirm the source, but also confidently contend with those who would question the veracity of what you have read.

Much of the history we are taught today comes from interpretations of events several generations removed -- opinions built on other opinions -- as opposed to research from direct, original sources. Thus, the accurate record can be misconstrued, sometimes innocently, and sadly at times intentionally -- driven by an agenda wishing to distance itself from the religious foundations and deep, spiritual heritage so readily evident in the Founders' lives. Much of the supposed "academic" history we are taught has been sanitized and scrubbed of any real spirituality, reduced to just names, facts and dates with little or no through line of any substance, no overarching plan or purpose because any meaningful reference to God has been edited out. The Founders' Bible sets the record straight. Our Founding Fathers were not a bunch of atheists, agnostics, and deists as some would like us to believe. The true record paints a very different, far more inspiring picture that will bring you to tears of appreciation when you learn of the sacrifice that was made, the persecution endured, and the undying commitment that led them to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in the fight for freedom.

The Founders' Bible uniquely illumines the very passages of Scriptures that inspired the Founders and formed the basis of our Constitution, government and its guiding documents. Examine the Bible verses that provide the seed bed of understanding for justice, our legal system as it was intended, and the individual God-given rights and freedoms we possess. See what chapters inspired them in the fight for independence and freedom. Understand the sacrifices they made because of their Bible-based beliefs and learn about how America is most assuredly a Christian nation. You will be amazed at the rich, godly legacy that permeates the soil of this great country.


The Founders' Bible consists of two books in PocketBible.

The Founders' NASB Bible

  • Summaries of and links to each of the biographies, history, and biographical articles that appear in The Book of Founders' Bible Articles placed at appropriate points in the Bible text.
  • Thorough introductions to each book of the Bible, written in a practical and devotional style, describe how each book fits in God's overall plan.
  • Links to a timeline of American history, list of Presidents of the United States, and historical maps (requires Internet access to view).
  • Links to maps of biblical regions and events (requires Internet access to view).

The Book of Founders' Bible Articles

  • Over 450 articles describing historical events, Bible commentary, quotes and wisdom from the Founders, and biographies.
  • Links to the fully illustrated articles from the print edition of The Founders' Bible (requires Internet access to view).
  • Full text of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights, and later amendments to the Constitution.
  • Links to colonial era and biblical maps (requires Internet access to view).

System Requirements

Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 15.375 MB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 15.375 MB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 15.375 MB. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 15.375 MB.

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