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NLT Study Bible Notes

NLT Study Bible Notes


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Personal Devotion or Serious Study? Yes.

The NLT Study Bible has the tools you need to draw closer to God by understanding His Word better: over 25,900 study notes, person profiles, over 300 Bible themes, section and book introductions, charts, maps and more.

The product of over forty Bible scholars and seven years' work, it is the most comprehensive study Bible ever created. The notes focus on bringing out the full meaning of the text.

Note: The NLT Study Bible Notes does not include the NLT Bible text which is available separately.

What Others Are Saying

"The NLT Study Bible is an essential tool for the student of the Bible. As no carpentry bench is complete without a hammer, no study desk is complete without this valuable study Bible." --Max Lucado, Best-selling author
"The NLT Study Bible is an exciting new tool for serious Bible readers who want a better understanding of God and His Word. I found the cultural and historical perspective, background commentary, and explanation of Biblical characters – all tucked right alongside the Bible passage itself – very useful." --Dr. Myra Perrine, Adjunct professor, Azusa Pacific University
"I am very impressed with the NLT Study Bible. Of all of the remarkable helps that are included I find the study notes to be of supreme benefit. As a pastor I have not found a Study Bible with such helpful notes to date. Not only do they not shy away from the more difficult passages, but the insight and relevance that they offer are of supreme assistance. I highly recommend this Study Bible." -- Dr. Stephen Leston, Pastor Teacher, Kishwaukee Bible Church


  • Over 25,900 study notes explain the full meaning of the Bible text
  • In-line Maps, charts, illustrations help you visualize the events and places mentioned in the text of Scripture.
  • 10 section introductions provide an overview of the literature and history of each section of the Bible, showing how the books are related to each other and to the rest of Scripture.
  • Theme articles and personality profiles (406 total) highlight recurring ideas and describe the lives of those who inhabit the pages of scripture.
  • Further reading is recommended at the end of each book and section introduction.
  • Notes are based on the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible text (not included) but can be used alongside any Bible in PocketBible.

System Requirements

Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 36.875 MB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 36.875 MB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 36.875 MB. Windows Phone Requires Windows Phone 7.5 or later. Download size: 36.875 MB. Windows Store Requires Windows 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 36.875 MB. Windows Desktop Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 25.875 MB. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 36.875 MB.

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