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Life Application New Testament Commentary

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Life Application New Testament Commentary


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The Life Application New Testament (NT) Commentary gives you practical, concise insight on every verse in the New Testament. You'll have convenient access to the background information you need, without a lot of obscure facts you don't need. It’s a key resource for understanding the New Testament and how it applies to your life.

The Life Application NT Commentary is a condensed version of the best-selling Life Application Commentary series previously published in 17-volumes. Like the 17-volume series, this condensed version focuses exclusively on the verses of the New Testament and expands on the New Testament material found in the Life Application Study Bible. For the entire New Testament, you get:

  • Book Introductions discussing the author, date, setting, audience and the main themes of each book with their importance for today.
  • Over 2,500 in-depth comments that:
    • Explain every passage in the New Testament clearly and concisely
    • Answer the questions most people ask
    • Show Scripture's connections to real life
  • A Harmony of the Gospels detailing over 250 events in the life of Christ

The Life Application NT Commentary is unique among commentaries, first because it is immensely readable. Each entry is clear, easy to follow, and full of information that you can use. You will find material that you can remember and share with others, and insight that reveals the dynamic power of God's Word in people's lives today.

Most importantly, the Life Application NT Commentary emphasizes application. Application begins by knowing the facts--understanding the timeless truths of God's Word--and understanding the Bible's relevance. But application is more than that. Application focuses on the truth of God's Word, shows us what to do about what is being read, and motivates us to respond to what God is teaching. It is the biblical "how to" of life and it is where the Life Application Commentary excels.

For example, the comment on James 1:2 (Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kind) immediately hones in on the difficult part of the verse by asking the question we really need to know "How can a person consider trouble as an opportunity for joy?" In answer, the Life Application Commentary explains:

”...This is a remarkable command--we are to choose to be joyful in situations where joy would be our last response. When certain circumstances make us angry and we want to blame the Lord, James directs us to the healthier alternative--joy. Those who trust in God ought to exhibit a dramatically different, positive response to the difficult events of life.

Our attitude is to be one of genuine rejoicing. This is not joyful anticipation for trials. Instead, it is joy during trials. The joy is based on confidence in the outcome of the trial. It is the startling realization that trials represent the possibility of growth. In contrast, most people are happy when they escape trials. But James encourages us to have pure joy in the very face of trials. James is not encouraging believers to pretend to be happy. Rejoicing goes beyond happiness. Happiness centers on earthly circumstances and how well things are going here. Joy centers on God and his presence in our experience.

The word whenever doesn't allow much room for doubt. We are urged to be joyful not if we face trouble, but whenever. Trials, problems, situations can be joy-robbers if we lack the proper attitude. Where does this trouble come from? The troubles and trials we face can be hardships from without or temptations from within. A trouble may be a hard situation that tests a person's faith such as persecution, a difficult moral choice, or a tragedy. Life's trail is marked with such trials. Enduring one trial is not enough. God's purpose in allowing this process is to develop complete maturity in us.

Considering your troubles to be joy comes from seeing life with God's perspective in mind. We may not be able to understand the specific reasons for God's allowing certain experiences to crush us or wear us down, but we can be confident that his plan is for our good. What may look hopeless or impossible to us never looks that way to God!”

About the Author(s)

Written by an interdenominational team of pastors, scholars, family counselors, and a national organization dedicated to promoting God's Word and spreading the Gospel. All work was reviewed by several renowned theologians under the direction of Dr. Bruce Barton and Linda K. Taylor.

System Requirements

Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 4.125 MB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 4.125 MB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 4.125 MB. Windows Phone Requires Windows Phone 7.5 or later. Download size: 4.125 MB. Windows Store Requires Windows 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 4.125 MB. Windows Desktop Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 4.125 MB. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 4.125 MB.

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