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Handbook of Bible Prayers

Handbook of Bible Prayers


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Prayer is about knowing the God who made us. It is about conversation with him — on the way to work or at the kitchen sink — not some formulae reserved for a "religious" setting. It is about telling God when we are grateful, and complaining to him when we are mad. It is about finding his rest in the midst of busyness, his peace in the midst of turmoil, his answers in the midst of questions, his comfort in the midst of darkness. It is about letting the living God be our friend. Prayer is about developing a relationship, not about drowning in religion.

But is it that easy? Well, to be honest, not always! If you have tried praying, then you will probably have asked questions like:

  • If God is all-powerful, why do I need to pray anyway? What difference does it make?
  • If God is all-loving, why should I need to ask him for things?
  • If God is all-knowing, why do I need to tell him my needs?
  • If God is all-hearing, why do my prayers feel like they hit the ceiling and bounce back empty?
  • If God is all-caring, why doesn't he do something?
  • If God is all-seeing, why didn't he warn me?

Ever asked questions like those? If so, this book is for you! Because this book is based on the book that asks — and answers — those sorts of questions: the Bible. The Bible tells us what prayer is — and what prayer isn't. It tells us it isn't a sort of "magic" to be used to force the divine arm up the divine back so we can get our own way; nor is it some sort of mystical exercise to make us feel "relaxed" or somehow "better". The Bible tells us that prayer is friendship with God. And the Bible is full of ordinary people like you and us who learned how to become friends with God and how to share every part of their lives with him in prayer.

The Handbook of Bible Prayers is divided into six parts. Like all good prayer, we start with God, and in particular with the way God tells us we can know him; so in Part One we look at Prayers that say "Father". The more we get to know God as Father, the more we want to respond to him; so in Part Two we look at Prayers that say "Amazing!" (prayers of "worship" for who God is) and in Part Three Prayers that say "Thanks!" (prayers of "thanksgiving" for what God has done). The more we look at God, the more we become aware, inevitably, of our own shortcomings, so in Part Four we look at Prayers that say "Sorry!" ("confession"). There are often times when we simply don't understand what is going on in life or why God is, or isn't, answering prayer in a particular way; so in Part Five we explore Prayers that ask "Why?" Finally, the Bible encourages us to bring all our needs and circumstances before God, so in Part Six we examine Prayers that say "Please" ("supplication" and "intercession", for ourselves and others).

Each section begins with a key thought and a key Bible verse to set the scene. The main study material is built around various passages and quotations from the Bible that deal with prayer or that are themselves prayers. The section then concludes with a prayer drawn from church liturgy or church history and a final Bible quotation and conclusion to help us retain the main emphases. In each section, we try to look for the relevance of the prayers for today.

System Requirements

Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 813.875 KB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 813.875 KB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 813.875 KB. Windows Phone Requires Windows Phone 7.5 or later. Download size: 813.875 KB. Windows Store Requires Windows 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 813.875 KB. Windows Desktop Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or later. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 813.875 KB.

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