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The Good and Beautiful Community

The Good and Beautiful God

The Good and Beautiful Life

The Apprentice Series


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If you are seeking the real transformation that comes from knowing the real God, the Apprentice series offers no simple formulas or secret paths of knowledge. Instead author, James Bryan Smith, offers the chance to be with Jesus and discover the narratives that he lived by. Get to know the God Jesus knew and the Kingdom he proclaimed. The transformation you seek will come as a direct result of spending focused time with him and his people.

The Apprentice Series includes the following three titles:

Bundle pricing! You save 11% by purchasing the three titles together in this one money-saving bundle.

About this Series

The Apprentice Series is a set of three titles designed to form a "curriculum for Christlikeness."

The first book, The Good and Beautiful God, was written to help people discover the God Jesus revealed. Each chapter deals with false concepts and the true one, namely, the narrative of Jesus. Each chapter also contains a soul-training exercise to help embed the narrative of Jesus more deeply into our minds, bodies and souls. These exercises are not meant to make you more religious or impress God. They are meant to help you see and understand the world as Jesus did. At the end of the chapter there is a page that highlights the main ideas in the chapter. Throughout each chapter are questions that can be used for individual reflection or group interaction and discussion. This book is titled The Good and Beautiful God because the focus is on the character of God and how we move into a life of intimacy with God.

The second book in The Apprentice Series is titled The Good and Beautiful Life, which introduces the reader to the kingdom of God and focuses on our inward character, dealing specifically with the vices that cause ruin: anger, lust, lying, worry, judging others and so on. Following the Sermon on the Mount, this second book will look at the narratives behind these character flaws (for example, What are the narratives that lead to anger?) and will replace those narratives with Jesus' narratives about life in the kingdom of God. As with this book, each chapter will contain an exercise that is aimed at helping embed the proper narrative into our souls.

The third book in this series is titled The Good and Beautiful Community. The focus of this book is to help us learn how to live as apprentices of Jesus in our ordinary, everyday lives. How do I live out Jesus' kingdom vision in my family? What impact will my life with God have on my life at work? In what ways can I, as a Christ-follower, change the world I live in? What will loving my enemies and blessing those who curse me look like in my daily life? Ultimately it all comes down to this: "the only thing that counts is faith working through love" (Ga 5:6), at home, at work, in our community and on our planet.

Being an apprentice of Jesus starts with knowing the God Jesus knows, and loving God with every fiber of your being. This is the spring and the foundation of the the entire Christian life.

System Requirements

Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 1.375 MB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 1.375 MB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 1.375 MB. Windows Phone Requires Windows Phone 7.5 or later. Download size: 1.375 MB. Windows Store Requires Windows 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 1.375 MB. Windows Desktop Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 4.375 MB. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 1.375 MB.

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