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Everything You Want to Know about Jesus

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Everything You Want to Know about Jesus


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Jesus is the most influential person who ever lived. But for many of us, he has ceased to be a real person. We've sanitised him with pious jargon, framed him in stained glass, and reduced him to a religious puppet who floats through biblical landscapes dispensing Christian cliches and nice advice. It's time for a fresh look at the man this book describes as "a square peg in a society of round holes."

Whether you're new to Jesus or just want to rediscover him with fresh eyes, this is the book for you. No dry theological treatise, it's written in an engaging, sometimes even humorous, style. In short, readable chapters, you'll get a tour of important background info and fascinating history that will bring to life the era in which Jesus lived. Then you'll read about his birth, his adult ministry and teaching, and the crucial last week of his life on earth. You'll catch a glimpse of the impact and excitement as news of Jesus spread around the world. And finally, you'll be inspired to think about what Jesus means for us today.

From the Preface

The book is in six main parts:

  • Part 1 ("First Things First") sets the scene for us before we begin.
  • Part 2 ("Waiting for the King") looks at what was going on around the time Jesus was born.
  • Part 3 ("Man with a Mission") takes us through the adult life and ministry of Jesus.
  • Part 4 ("Not of This World") explores the miraculous things that Jesus did.
  • Part 5 ("For My Final Act") looks at the end of Jesus' life as he was convicted and executed, and then as he returned from death to life.
  • Part 6 ("Children of the Revolution") explores what happened after Jesus, including what it means to follow him today.

Of course, more books have been written about Jesus than about any other person or topic in history. Every single word of the Gospels and everything Jesus ever said and did has already been picked apart, turned inside out, chewed over, translated, examined, dissected, twisted, stretched, regurgitated, interpreted, pasteurised and buried in compost. There are innumerable doctoral dissertations, lecture series, sermons, articles, podcasts, concordances and entire wings of libraries filled with books about Jesus that are so big they would break bones in your foot if you dropped one on it. Many of these writings dive into the depths of Jesus' life. This book, on the other hand, is an overview, more like a rock skimming across the surface of this most important figure of world history...

This book is simply a springboard from which to dive headfirst into the life of Jesus. We hope it will help you gain an understanding of Jesus and who he is and what he said and what he did. We hope you will get an understanding of his place in history and in the culture of his time. We hope you will get a broader picture of Jesus so that you can read about him with more understanding. And most of all, we hope that Jesus' life and message will change your life.

About the Author(s)

Peter Downey is on executive staff at a Christian school in Sydney, Australia. The author of three marriage and parenting books, including So You're Going to be a Dad, he was listed in The Bulletin magazine as one of Australia's Top Ten parenting authors. He is also author of Everything You Want to Know about the Bible (co-authored with Ben Shaw), a book about Jesus for the Bible Society, and has written for a range of journals and publications. Although he has a Bachelor, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in Arts and Education and a diploma in Biblical Studies, he feels like a guy writing a book about automotive engineering when all he’s done is worked part-time in a carwash. He and his wife have three daughters.

Ben Shaw is a curate at Emmanuel Church in Wimbledon, London. He studied theology and went on to receive his MA in ancient history. A former rock singer and guitarist with the Australian-based Christian rock band In the Silence, he does a lot of speaking and continues to perform musically. His greatest love is his wife, Karen.

System Requirements

Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 451.375 KB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 451.375 KB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 451.375 KB. Windows Phone Requires Windows Phone 7.5 or later. Download size: 451.375 KB. Windows Store Requires Windows 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 451.375 KB. Windows Desktop Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 968.125 KB. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 451.375 KB.

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